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Where can I find all my chats on Hubgets page?

+4 votes
asked Jul 12, 2016 in Activity by Business_VoIP (Squire) 280 views
I read a bit about Hubgets Page, but I want to know how I can see all the conversations I have had with people that I have invited to chat using my page

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 12, 2016 by DianaS [Hubgets]


Your entire communication history with the people you communicate with using Hubgets Page is in one place. All Hubgets Page conversations are archived, you can search and tag them.

I have inserted a print screen below to show where you can locate your Direct Messages with visitors (Customer messages).

Visitor Conversations

If you need to record phone conversations, this feature is available starting with Hubgets Team plan. A more detailed reading on the best use of Hubgets Page is available here: Introducing Hubgets Page: Your Interactive Business Card 

Hope this hepls!