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Recent questions tagged General

+3 votes
asked Mar 29, 2016 in Activity by Peter_Bech (Archer) 1 answer 1,656 views
If I mention a colleague in my Status message, does he get a notification on my mention or does he have to check the team-board to see it?
+6 votes
asked Feb 8, 2016 in General by Max Yogo (Squire) 1 answer 233 views
I have some customers that I don't want the entire team to see. When I add notes on a ... the other colleagues see the notes, or only me?
+9 votes
asked Feb 5, 2016 in General by Anthony Wang (Archer) 1 answer 278 views
Do tag suggestions include only my tags or my teammates’ tags as well? I would like to be able to see all the tags used by the team.
+6 votes
asked Feb 5, 2016 in General by justcozitburns (Archer) 1 answer 239 views
I am intrigued with the Forget Pin button. Pinning is about bringing contacts up in the ... when needed. Am I understanding this correctly?
+9 votes
asked Jan 13, 2016 in General by CoolRob (Archer) 1 answer 328 views
I've sent a mass message to the entire organization. Does everyone get the message, even the people who are not online in the app?
+7 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in General by Sam3 (Captain) 1 answer 872 views
Let's say I add some public contacts to the organization contact manager. If they are made public, can my colleagues delete them?
+7 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in General by Anthony Wang (Archer) 1 answer 358 views
I would like to add my personal contacts to my Hubgets CRM, and be the only person to see them. Is this easy to do?
+6 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in General by Alex Steinmore (Squire) 1 answer 274 views
I'd like to make sure that I can add users in the interface whenever I need to do it, ... flows. Can you let me know how this is done?
+8 votes
asked Dec 21, 2015 in General by Simina Pasat (Squire) 1 answer 295 views
I often go to lunch with people not from my direct team - is it possible to ... group" team to better coordinate our lunches together?
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