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Can I have an out-of-office status and have calls transferred to my voicemail?

+7 votes
asked Mar 28, 2016 in Voice and video calling by Annie (Captain) 288 views
If I don’t want to answer an incoming call, can I transfer it to my Voicemail so that it appears that I’m not in the office?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2016 by DianaS [Hubgets]
Hello Annie,

You can choose to transfer your calls to Voicemail or to any of your colleagues without ansswering the call.
If the call comes from outside the Hubgets organization, the calling party will not have visibility on whether you are in the office or not. However, if the call comes from a member of your Hubgets organization, he/she will see if you are available or not.
You can always choose to set your status to busy and avoid all incoming communication (calls and messages).