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Can you use Hubgets in Enterprise environments?

+6 votes
asked Jun 2, 2016 in General by Adrian34 (Archer) 185 views
I was looking at what my former colleagues were using in their company, which is a large one. They are paying almost $ 15 per user per month for Circuit. Seems like a lot and I was wondering if they would be better off using Hubgets.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 2, 2016 by DianaS [Hubgets]
Hello Adrian,

Hubgets can be used in Corporate or Enterprise environments, as it allows for both SaaS, as well as own-infrastructure installation. All standard requirements related to infrastructure, security and data storage can be met with Hubgets.

From a feature-set standpoint, Hubgets is brilliantly meeting the needs of people in large companies, with a pay-for-use model that is quite efficient.

In case you'd like to offer more information on the Hubgets adoption to your former colleagues, we'd be more than happy to send over the documentation that they will need to make/ influence a decision.