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Getting people to enable camera and mic in the browser before they use Hubgets

+4 votes
asked Aug 5, 2016 in General by Max Yogo (Squire) 290 views
I have noticed that a lot of people do not want to allow the tool to use their camera and mic, as they don't realize that without clicking allow in the browser, they don't get to have online telephony. Ridiculous as it may sound, is there a way to make people more aware of the importance of this action?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 8, 2016 by DianaS [Hubgets]
Hi Max,

Indeed, that happens when people identify the camera and mic with potential privacy threats.
When using Hubgets in the browser for the first time, Chrome/Firefox will request permission to access the user's camera and microphone. This permission is needed if the user intends to use voice/video communication in the browser.
To ensure that microphone and camera are functioning properly for a call, you can try a test call using the Hubgets Page link every user has in the Hubgets Profile - > Hubgets Page.