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Do you avoid wasting time arguing in the group chat by conferencing with the group?

+4 votes
asked Dec 1, 2016 in Voice and video calling by Annie (Captain) 515 views
We work remotely in Hubgets with partners and suppliers and noticed that there is a bit of tension in chat conversation that gets dispersed if we call using the conference option.
Do you experience that? Good old calling saves projects at times.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2016 by BorasA (Squire)
Hahahaha, yes, good old calling is still needed!
I've experienced first hand a situation when we kept on wasting time with arguments instead of making a fast decision for a customer. We were all bickering in the topic on needed man-hours to deliver the solution, until someone decided to call everyone up (also in the Topic). Saved us from our frustrations!