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Does the group chat successfully replace meetings in your case? Or do you still hold meetings as well?

+4 votes
asked Aug 31, 2016 in Topics by Ken95Ferris (Squire) 475 views
The question is addressed to everyone who is using these collaboration tools: do you guys have meetings in the office, if your teams are smalle (less than 20 people)?

We have less meetings, but we feel the need to get together every now and then and exchange ideas face to face - guess it is more of a bonding thing.
What's your experience?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 31, 2016 by Angelo_Damiani (Archer)
Good point!

We use the chat as just another communication channel. Meetings are still taking place as usual, but we have people coming in for training from branch offices, so that is normal for us.

Clients meetings are easier nowadays due to the video chatting, irrespective what tool you use (I can actually see what happens at their office if I ask them to turn the camera around). But I would very much welcome screensharing :))
0 votes
answered Aug 31, 2016 by DianaS [Hubgets]

It is difficult to say whether some teams will rely more on face to face communication or on the chat communication. Patterns have changed over the last few years, with the younger Millennials more keen to interact with automated systems.

Depending on the personality of a team, on habits and tasks to solve, meetings in person can be more or less necessary. 
We wrote extensively on this topic and on what we found in our research here, here, here and here