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Recent questions tagged Presence

+3 votes
asked Nov 21, 2016 in Activity by Rifat_Sayid (Squire) 1 answer 440 views
I noticed that I am very comfortable when I select the Busy availability option and leave it ... What is the right balance, in your opinion?
+3 votes
asked Oct 1, 2016 in General by Tristan (Squire) 1 answer 287 views
More and more candidates ask us if we have allow for days of Remote Work. How could Hubgets help us enable such a program?
+11 votes
asked Jan 14, 2016 in General by MrMoob (Archer) 1 answer 296 views
You know how some social media tools allow you to see when someone was last seen on the chat? Is Hubgets doing this?
+10 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in Activity by Stephen (Squire) 1 answer 270 views
I might not want my employees to know that I am working, at times. I often use the ... I be invisible to the others in the organization?
+6 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in Activity by Stephen (Squire) 1 answer 298 views
Is it "busy", but with some exceptions? Like a filter for notifications, to mute unwanted activity?
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