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Questions by LindsayG

+3 votes
asked Nov 14, 2016 in General 2 answers 746 views
Is there a way to use hubgets to create a community for people who would connect from all over the world?
+5 votes
asked Apr 26, 2016 in Activity 1 answer 435 views
I simply don’t want to be distracted by notifications so that I can focus on my work, but I don't want to miss out either...
+8 votes
asked Mar 25, 2016 in Topics 1 answer 428 views
I created a private topic, but now I want to add more people to my topic. I don't want ... public, just add a couple of more team members.
+7 votes
asked Feb 5, 2016 in Voice and video calling 1 answer 309 views
Can I have more than one webphone? I would like to be able to use one on my smartphone too.
+7 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in Direct messages 1 answer 333 views
I'd need to easily find a chat that I have had with a colleague a while ago, just like you can do it in Facebook. Is this available?