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Recent questions tagged Topics

+4 votes
asked Jul 15, 2016 in Topics by PatrickdeL (Squire) 1 answer 280 views
Can I mute the conversation for multiple people, or I can mute it only for myself? ... colleagues in the Topic should get the notifications.
+5 votes
asked May 20, 2016 in General by Adrian34 (Archer) 1 answer 278 views
I need to highlight the fact that I am quoting a piece of text in a topic that my editorial ... on. We use italics to do that, normally.
+4 votes
asked Apr 11, 2016 in Topics by Leyton_Mar (Archer) 1 answer 253 views
Do people separate interactions based on teams/ projects/ interests? Ideas on how to make the most of topics :)?
+6 votes
asked Apr 7, 2016 in General by Leyton_Mar (Archer) 1 answer 322 views
I have a few inactive users in my organization, and I think I should delete them. I see I ... suspend them. But how do I delete the user?
+8 votes
asked Mar 25, 2016 in Topics by LindsayG (Archer) 1 answer 428 views
I created a private topic, but now I want to add more people to my topic. I don't want ... public, just add a couple of more team members.
+7 votes
asked Mar 24, 2016 in Topics by Annie (Captain) 1 answer 292 views
I do know the time frame in which a certain discussion took place (3 months ago). Can I search within some specific time frame?
+12 votes
asked Mar 23, 2016 in Topics by Anthony Wang (Archer) 1 answer 422 views
I have heard this email-replacing story so many times now, with Slack, HipChat, Jive... ... does not replace email, but organizes my stuff.
+6 votes
asked Mar 22, 2016 in Topics by Sam3 (Captain) 1 answer 351 views
Or do I need to create a new one to continue the conversation in the first topic?
+3 votes
asked Mar 22, 2016 in Topics by Eddie Shinyskin (Archer) 1 answer 308 views
It's not really that I have some secret stuff going on :), but the discussion doesn't concern the entire team. Is this possible?
+7 votes
asked Feb 8, 2016 in Topics by RezaRad (Archer) 1 answer 233 views
If a topic is closed, does it mean I lose access to all the messages and files in it?
+7 votes
asked Feb 5, 2016 in Topics by Sam3 (Captain) 1 answer 282 views
I have noticed that Topics get some images assigned. I would like to customize topics for ... of discussion just by looking at the image.
+6 votes
asked Jan 14, 2016 in Topics by Eddie Shinyskin (Archer) 1 answer 315 views
If I understand correctly, Topics are like group chats. When I want to leave a group chat, ... me being aware of this, like in Facebook?
+9 votes
asked Jan 13, 2016 in Topics by Sam3 (Captain) 1 answer 300 views
We are a small publishing company. I have read that we can search both based on keyword and on tags and thus organize information better.
+7 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in Direct messages by Stephen (Squire) 1 answer 283 views
I have created a load of topics for testing purposes during the evaluation, and now I do not know how to delete them.
+6 votes
asked Dec 17, 2015 in Topics by Dark Night (Squire) 1 answer 323 views
It's not really that I have some secret stuff going on :), but still I want to share ... , not with the entire team. Is this possible?
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