Collaboration for the Fast and Focused

Focused. Fast. Delivering great results. Leading by example. A big fan of collaboration. We’re all inspired by the amazing people who possess such traits. When they get in the team, new ways of doing things are defined and everything seems to be improving. Let’s take a closer look at what drives them, and their habits.

Image Credit: James Thomas (

Image Credit: James Thomas (

The pragmatic at work

Perhaps pragmatic is the best word to describe the ever so focused teammates. They’re able to deal with situations based on practical considerations, and they’re always interested in making adjustments. But there’s more:

  • Organized: They have systems in place, so everything is easy to find. They avoid clutter and information redundancy.
  • Focused on results: Not shy of addressing potential road blocks, pragmatic people always keep their targets in mind. Getting problems fixed fast is a top priority.
  • Time management: They value time and would always pick a message exchange over a lengthy face-to-face meeting.
  • Interested in the cost – benefits ratio: Hard to fool, but open to experimenting, pragmatics are after getting the best value for their buck.
  • Available, even when mobile: Always easy to reach, they’re ready to coordinate with teammates or even clients. Being out of the office is never an excuse.
  • Great collaborators: They offer feedback and turn personal skills into assets for their team. They’re able to delegate, but also know when it’s time to just get out of the way and let other work their magic.
  • Smart investors of energy: They start their day by tackling the hardest tasks and end them by making realistic to-do lists for the following day.

Get fast and furious focused

It’s not for the fast and furious 😉 , it’s for those who want to make it instant and stay focused. Are you one of them? If so, Hubgets is in many ways a dream come true. Because it allows you to stay focused and deliver fast results while working close with your team. Research shows that companies that prioritize collaboration are twice as likely to outgrow their competitors and twice as likely to be profitable.

Hubgets is more than instant messaging, voice, and video. It’s that virtual open-space office that allows teams to stay in sync, easily pass on information and build the company knowledge. Hubgets helps team focus on their priorities, keeping them safe from noise and interruptions. Files can always be shared, and information is searchable.

Want to step up your pragmatic game? Get your team on Hubgets, and you’ll come to ❤️ it as much as we do.

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