Collaboration Is More Than “All-In-One”

I’m sure you’ve been in situations where one minute you’re posting on Twitter, the next you’re checking your inbox or answering a chat message. And two minutes later you’re in a call while skimming an article someone shared on Facebook, wondering whenever you got there in the first place. Simply put, we have too many networks to keep an eye on and too little time on our hands. Fortunately, there are solutions and one of them comes from Hubgets.

Collaboration Is More Than All-In-One | Hubgets

Unified is not enough

The difficulty in handling so many open channels does not lie only in their number, but also in the need to constantly adapt to the environment they provide. Because each platform, whether it’s social or business, imposes a specific tone and behavior. Swiping through them requires that we constantly readjust ourselves and our communication, and that takes a lot of time and energy. Inevitably, we get lost in transition. Add to that the time wasted in filtering information, interruptions, or noise, and there won’t be much left for actual work.

So far, Unified Communications software solutions came to our rescue by putting all channels in one place, in the hope that it would save us the time we waste in transition. And they proved to be helpful, but it’s not enough. As unified as they might be, business communication solutions lack the sense of familiarity and friendliness we find in social platforms and the freedom the latter offer us in handling information and engagement.

Apart from that, business communication solutions do not entirely solve the teams’ needs for fast collaboration either. Because having all communication channels in one place doesn’t equal effective collaboration. It’s just a bridge across channels. Information is still disparate, and we get desperate trying to piece it together.

More than “all-in-one”

As of late, more and more articles on productivity emphasize people’s need for fun, even on the job. That’s something all of us here at Hubgets agree with. People need to work using personable platforms that replicate the friendly communication behavior found in social networks. They want to relate to teammates and customers in the same relaxed way they do with friends and family. Most certainly, it has to do with their morale: when people get to be themselves, they simply work better. But that’s just one way. Another way is to be able to gain and share knowledge with your team while bypassing the burden of email and useless meetings. You also need to find relevant information and pass it on to others really fast. And that’s exactly the foundation of Hubgets, our collaboration app: teamwork, knowledge, and fun.

On this foundation, we built shortcuts to organizing information and interaction efficiently. People don’t have to go into time-consuming and usually useless meetings anymore. Nor do they need to dig through piles of emails to find the information they need. Hubgets dynamically retains data and provides teams with tools to organize it (tags), locate it (instant search results) and share it (chat, topics, activity stream). And that’s not all, the same means of managing information are also the tools that help teams build the company knowledge.

In Hubgets, engagement is interaction with a feeling (heart) In short, Hubgets takes note of people’s state of mind and discourages intrusion, by telling you how your teammates are doing. If they are happy, busy, or simply unavailable, you’ll see it in their presence. And that’s something good to know before you voice, video or chat with someone 🙂

There’s more to Hubgets, but it’s no fun if I say it all. Try Hubgets now and discover more.

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