How to Index and Search All Your Business Communication

We all know how important it is to have access to the right information exactly when you need it. In business, this can make the difference between closing or losing a deal. And it also has a huge impact on our work productivity. Nobody likes to invest time in searching for scattered pieces of data in order to get their work done. In Hubgets, you can index and search all your business communication. Here’s how.


Searching through the Team board

If you’re looking for something your team posted on the Team Board, we’ve got you covered. You can search for info based on a specific time frame or even restrict it to just one person.
Also, if you want to get a general feel about what one of your coworkers is posting on the Team Board, just select their name and don’t insert a search term. All of their updates will be displayed and you can browse through them.

Team board search

Searching through your Contacts

When looking for a particular person, go to your People tab and click on the arrow next to the magnifier icon. Next, use one of the filters available in the Advanced Search, like the date when a contact was created, its type (teammate or customer), its visibility (shared with the whole organization or private) or any tags added.

Contacts search

Searching through your Direct messages

If you’re a heavy user of Hubgets, then probably most of the information shared with your team resides in Direct messages and Topics. The Search in Direct messages lets you identify messages sent or received during a selected time frame, with any teammate or customer. Also, if you’ve added tags, you can browse based on this criteria as well.

Direct messages search

Searching through Topics

When you need to identify a particular Topic, the Advanced Search function is there for you. You can look for Topics created at a particular time. Also, you can select them based on their status (closed or open) or b y their tags.

Topics search

Searching through the Call History

Even looking through your Call History is easy in Hubgets and comes in very handy. By using the Advanced Search, you can sort calls based on:

  • time of call
  • call flow (incoming / outgoing)
  • call status (missed / answered / busy)
  • call media (voicemail / recorded / fax)

Call search

So here you have it, all the searching options in Hubgets with new added layers to help you pinpoint the exact data you’re looking for. Indexing and finding information has never been easier. Did you bring your team to Hubgets and offered your teammates the best communication tool? Start with the Hubgets Free plan now 🙂

You might also like to read this article on how some teams succeed while many fail miserably.

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