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+6 votes
asked Feb 8, 2016 in General by Max Yogo (Squire) 1 answer 233 views
I have some customers that I don't want the entire team to see. When I add notes on a ... the other colleagues see the notes, or only me?
+7 votes
asked Feb 5, 2016 in Voice and video calling by LindsayG (Archer) 1 answer 309 views
Can I have more than one webphone? I would like to be able to use one on my smartphone too.
+9 votes
asked Feb 5, 2016 in General by Anthony Wang (Archer) 1 answer 278 views
Do tag suggestions include only my tags or my teammates’ tags as well? I would like to be able to see all the tags used by the team.
+7 votes
asked Feb 5, 2016 in Topics by Sam3 (Captain) 1 answer 282 views
I have noticed that Topics get some images assigned. I would like to customize topics for ... of discussion just by looking at the image.
+6 votes
asked Feb 5, 2016 in General by justcozitburns (Archer) 1 answer 239 views
I am intrigued with the Forget Pin button. Pinning is about bringing contacts up in the ... when needed. Am I understanding this correctly?
+10 votes
asked Jan 19, 2016 in General by Alan Bicard (Squire) 1 answer 213 views
I really like the mascot and I was wondering if there will be any HUG merchandise/standalone apps (something like Talking Tom but with HUG).
+6 votes
asked Jan 14, 2016 in Activity by Eddie Shinyskin (Archer) 1 answer 277 views
I don't want people knowing where I am all the time. I understand that this is a ... is there a way to disable this location tracking?
+6 votes
asked Jan 14, 2016 in Topics by Eddie Shinyskin (Archer) 1 answer 315 views
If I understand correctly, Topics are like group chats. When I want to leave a group chat, ... me being aware of this, like in Facebook?
+5 votes
asked Jan 14, 2016 in General by justcozitburns (Archer) 1 answer 244 views
I would need to tag contacts and untag them whenever the contact situation changes. Can you please tell me how to do this?
+11 votes
asked Jan 14, 2016 in General by MrMoob (Archer) 1 answer 296 views
You know how some social media tools allow you to see when someone was last seen on the chat? Is Hubgets doing this?
+9 votes
asked Jan 13, 2016 in General by CoolRob (Archer) 1 answer 328 views
I've sent a mass message to the entire organization. Does everyone get the message, even the people who are not online in the app?
+9 votes
asked Jan 13, 2016 in Topics by Sam3 (Captain) 1 answer 300 views
We are a small publishing company. I have read that we can search both based on keyword and on tags and thus organize information better.
+7 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in General by Sam3 (Captain) 1 answer 872 views
Let's say I add some public contacts to the organization contact manager. If they are made public, can my colleagues delete them?
+12 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in Voice and video calling by ClaireM (Squire) 1 answer 8,613 views
Some of the people I know don't even pick up if they don't know the caller ID, so, when ... this kind of person, can I use my phone number?
+7 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in General by Anthony Wang (Archer) 1 answer 358 views
I would like to add my personal contacts to my Hubgets CRM, and be the only person to see them. Is this easy to do?
+10 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in Activity by Stephen (Squire) 1 answer 270 views
I might not want my employees to know that I am working, at times. I often use the ... I be invisible to the others in the organization?
+6 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in Activity by Stephen (Squire) 1 answer 298 views
Is it "busy", but with some exceptions? Like a filter for notifications, to mute unwanted activity?
+7 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in Direct messages by Stephen (Squire) 1 answer 283 views
I have created a load of topics for testing purposes during the evaluation, and now I do not know how to delete them.
+7 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in Direct messages by LindsayG (Archer) 1 answer 333 views
I'd need to easily find a chat that I have had with a colleague a while ago, just like you can do it in Facebook. Is this available?
+9 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in General by Alex Steinmore (Squire) 1 answer 224 views
I am used to the VoipNow extensions, but I am a bit confused regarding the User in Hubgets. Can you please explain the differences?
+6 votes
asked Jan 12, 2016 in General by Alex Steinmore (Squire) 1 answer 274 views
I'd like to make sure that I can add users in the interface whenever I need to do it, ... flows. Can you let me know how this is done?
+5 votes
asked Jan 11, 2016 in General by Joel Barnes (Squire) 1 answer 202 views
I've seen that people I know use the tool in their browser and I'd like to see more of ... a demo version for some time? How long, exactly?
+5 votes
asked Dec 28, 2015 in Direct messages by Adrian Branescu (Squire) 1 answer 320 views
I find very useful the fact that I am notified who sent me a message, but ... there any way to temporary stop those notifications?
+7 votes
asked Dec 28, 2015 in Activity by Adrian Branescu (Squire) 1 answer 388 views
I'd like to mention colleagues in the message posted in activity in order to make ... regarding them without sending a mass message.
+8 votes
asked Dec 21, 2015 in General by Simina Pasat (Squire) 1 answer 295 views
I often go to lunch with people not from my direct team - is it possible to ... group" team to better coordinate our lunches together?
+12 votes
asked Dec 17, 2015 in Direct messages by Dark Night (Squire) 1 answer 258 views
I am team administrator and I want to see what other people are texting :) How can I do this?
+6 votes
asked Dec 17, 2015 in Topics by Dark Night (Squire) 1 answer 323 views
It's not really that I have some secret stuff going on :), but still I want to share ... , not with the entire team. Is this possible?
+7 votes
asked Dec 17, 2015 in General by Dark Night (Squire) 1 answer 212 views
I like your mascot a lot. Is the design original or stock? Have you considered selling marchandise with HUG?
0 votes
asked Mar 22, 2018 in General by Concord (Squire) 0 answers 19,018 views
For some reason we're not being 'dinged' on each instant message. In fact, we ... ? Or can anyone suggest a possible cause/solution?